If I was asked what the guilty things that pleasures me is, then I guess there are lots in my mind. First of all I enjoy talk behind people back, well I know it is guilty but I just can’t resist it. It pleasures me because there are certain things that I cannot simply say right to someone face even if I want to. So at the end I end up gossiping behind their back.
Even sometimes, without realizing it I also enjoy a sense of rebellion. I violated the rules, I'm opposed to what people say when I feel like I'm not satisfied or maybe I just intentionally want to do it. I think these kinds of things always happen at home or school. At home is when my mom told me things that I didn’t like to do or maybe too lazy to do and school is when I do not like the rules that had been established. Lastly I enjoy doing things that annoy other people like disturb someone when he/her was just about to fall to sleep, screaming at their ears and scare them.
But after all, there are also things that I wish I could do that might pleasure me but not to others like reading someone diary perhaps. I really want to know what exactly is written by them especially those people who close to me in terms of knowing their true colour and what are their perception toward others. Plus, I also wish to stalk someone that I dislike like a maniac stalker. HAHAHAHA~ I know it sounds crazy and will be annoying but who cares. I love it. Well i guess those are the guilty things that pleasure me.